


What the Government’s €7 billion plan means for …. the Environment

The Stimulus is the next stage in Ireland’s response to the COVID-19 crisis and will help get Ireland’s businesses back on their feet and get as many people as possible back to work quickly.

What’s in the plan . . . for infrastructure and environmental spending

€500 million will be made available to for capital works, consisting of €75 million for primary and secondary schools, €113 million for “active travel, public transport and renewables of transport infrastructure, €40 million for investments in heritage, arts and Gaeltacht projects; €20 million for courts, prison and Garda projects, and € 10 million for fisheries and farm renewable energies.

€15 million will be made available for peatlands rehabilitation, €100 million for a national energy efficiency retrofit programme, and €60 million for returning vacant local authorities houses to use, and for investments in water infrastructure. There will be €10 million for town and village renewal.

Capital expenditure is being increased by €1 billion for next year, to €9.1 billion.

Further information on the plan is outlined in the document below.

July Jobs Stimulus Plan Document 

Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation Job Stimulus Package Details